Sunday, October 07, 2007

Educational evening on HRT (an evening out!)

An educational evening has been organised on HRT-Recent Developments "What Are the RealRisks/Benefits" at Clarendon Hotel in Blackheath on the 11th Oct. All Trainees are welcome to attend.

Title: HRT-Recent Developments "What Are the RealRisks/Benefits"

Speaker: Mr Michael Savvas, Consultant in Gynaecology

Time: Thurs 11th October
1830-1930 Registration and Buffet Dinner
1930-2030 Lecture HRT Recent Developments.

Venue: The Clarendon Hotel
Montepelier Row
London SE3 0RW
Tel 02083184378

Need to give your name and any special dietaryrequirements to Amy or telephone 07879486941 asap

(Thanks Anna S for the information)

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