Wednesday, February 27, 2008

PLT on Mental Health

Lewisham PCT is organising a session on Mental Health problems as a part of Protected Learning Time on the 28th Feb 2008 afternoon. The information of the venue and programme is attached herewith.
Dr Marie-Louise Irvine is coordinating the event and all GP trainees are invited to attend.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

'Life after GP' conferance

Dear All

As you may be aware the London Deanery are holding a 'Life After VTS' Careers Day on 6th March 2008. There are only 200 places for ST3s. The tickets are going fast especially as there is no charge for this event.

‘Life after GP Training’ - Careers Day

Thursday 6th March 2008

9.00 am to 4.30 pm

Central Hall Westminster, Storey’s Gate, Westminster, London. SW1H 9NH.

Session 1 – Knowing the market

08:15 Coffee and Registration

Romayne Hortop, Secretary to the London GP Training Committee

08:45 Welcome and Introduction

Drs. Anu Patel and Mo Ali, Committee Chairs

09:00 Setting the Scene: Future job options for you

Dr. Stuart Bennett, Medical Director, ‘Doctorscareerchoices’

09:20 Freelance (Locum) GP: living the dream

Dr. Shanker Vijayadeva, Freelance GP

10:00 Salaried GP: ‘stable’ or ‘trust grade’ doctor

Dr. Osman Bhatti, Practice Salaried GP

10:15 APMS/’Private company’ GP: ‘stable’ or ‘trust grade’ doctor

Director of Primary Care, Atos Healthcare

10.30 Coffee 11:00

Session2 – Career pathways

11:00 Phamaceutical doctor:

Dr. Jit Solanki, Global Medical Director, Wyeth Pharmaceutical

11.20 GP with a Special Interest: present or future?

Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad, Sports Medicine GPSI

11:35 Partnerships: now or later

Dr. Salma Ahmed, GP Partner

12:00 Panel Discussion: Question time

What’s on your mind?

12:30 Lunch / Careers Fair

14:00 Session 3 – Keeping things together

14:00 Contracts/Premesis: agreements and disagreements

Ian Fisher, GP contract solicitor

14:20 Tax: without it being Taxing

Alan Rajah, Chartered Certified Accountant

14:40 How to survive and stay safe in difficult times

Dr. Rebecca Viney, Author/Associate Director, London Deanery

15:15 Coffee

15:45 Session 4 – alternative Careers

15:45 Army Medical Services: AMS not APMS

Colonel SAStJ Miller, Royal Army Medical Corps

16:00 MBA doctor: fad or trend?

Dr. Zac Jafri, MBA

16:15 TV doctor; spin/real doctoring

Dr. Una Coales, media doctor

16:30 Key Panel Discussion: Question time

What’s your future?

17:00 Close

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Leadership Development Mentoring Programme

Dear Colleague,

I want to make you aware of an excellent scheme at NHS London, entitled 'Prepare to Lead'. This Leadership Development Mentoring Programme is designed to capture the talent that exists amongst our SpRs and GPRs (and STRs of years ST3+) , and give them leadership development opportunities. I hope we get some dynamic, motivated trainees on this scheme, and wondered if you could encourage any of your trainees who have expressed an interest in management and leadership roles, and/or who you feel would benefit, to apply.

I enclose a file giving details of the scheme and how to apply, which can also be found at Applications must be made to NHS London by 5th March 2008.

I hope you can help support this scheme by encouraging several suitable applicants to apply,

Yours sincerely

Elisabeth Paice

Dean Director

London Deanery