Thursday, November 02, 2006

Next Term

Dear VTS group members,

we would like to use some of the time on 14 and again at the away day on 21 planning for next term.

Please think about your learning needs and how you could use the half day release (and the residential in March) to meet those needs. What topics you would like to cover, what would be your specific objectives and what methods would you like to use?

To help you I have attached a summary of the new MRCGP curriculum (still a draft but the final version wont be much different - the full curriculum is on the RCGP website) and a list of topics covered in previous terms.

There are many topics that are better covered by your trainer, in your hospital post or through personal learning so please suggest things that are better suited to group learning. Remember not to rely too much on "outside speakers" all the time but think about topics that could be presented by VTS members themselves. If there's something you are very interested in or know a lot about and would like to lead a session on - please suggest it.

You can be innovative and imaginative about learning methods. There are the obvious things like presentations, small group discussions, watching videos etc but there are other ways of learning that we could try and its good to have a variety of teaching methods.In the past we have made visits to various places including an exhibition at the British museum, gone to see a play about pain, invited a parent who runs a patient group and probably several others that I cant remember - but you get the idea I hope.


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