Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Update on the GP VTS Committee [LGC] last meeting-

Dear All
For new trainees to the Lewisham VTS please have a look at the LGC website above.
I am currently the rep for Lewisham [ self nominated out of interest]. The committee links all VTS in the London Deanery. It is best if a GP reg and SHO attend [Kevin / Harpeet are either of you still interested?]. The next meeting is on Tuesday 16th May 2006 @ 2.30pm. Stewart House, London Deanery.
I will be attending the next couple of meetings as I have taken on a few tasks for the committee. It would be great if someone came with me and I am happy to hand over the baton later this year.
The committee meets 4x per year. The reps can claim leave as 'professional leave' [rather than annual or study leave].
We could rotate reps if there is significant interest.

See summary minutes from last meeting.

Summary of minutes form meeting held on Tues 17 Jan 2006

The London GPVTS committee (LGC) has an excellent website which all GP trainees should be aware of. The address is
We are in the process of compiling a database of courses relevant to general practice with comments from those who have attended them – so watch this space!! The website is due to undergo renovation so please contact the team through the website with suggestions for additions or improvements.

Barnet VTS has updated their own website which is accessible to everyone and contains very useful additional information. The address is:

Lewisham have also set up their website. The address is:

PMETB [NOTE: see following email]

The new method of assessing GP registrars, replacing summative assessment will be to undertake the nMRCGP, which will be in place by August 2007. So what happens in the transition period form now until then? Well, under summative assessment, all VTR/1 and VTR/2 forms had been sent to the Joint Committee, however during the transition period, all summative assessment forms would go instead to the PMETB who would issue a certificate of specialist training.

As the PMETB is an entirely new body with new funding from the government payment would now have to be made to sign off VTS forms. The fees would also probably increase in the future. However this is to make the PMETB self-sustainable in a few years time which would hopefully have a welcome knock on effect of leading to an increase in GP’s salaries. The personnel dealing with the forms are somewhat inexperienced so please ensure that they are in order and sent early.

Objection with regards to the fees have been brought up by the Deaneries, RCGP and the BMA. A response to the consultation paper undertaken by PMETB should be released soon.

Consultation over nMRCGP

The Royal College undertook a consultation process regarding the new curriculum for the nMRCGP. The London GPVTS Committee (LGC) working with the London Faculties GPVTS Committee (LFGC) had put together a mirror of the consultation and canvassed London trainees. There was an overall response rate of 41% from all deanery trainees emailed. The results revealed a need for more information about the changes, that the favoured method of updates was via email and individual course organisers, and that trainees were keen to have a say in the way that they will be assessed in the future. These views will be presented to central college via the London Faculties GPVTS Committee (LFGC), the RCGP trainees committee with feedback from the LGC.

Next meetings

The committee will meet on the following date, and hopes to produce a similar summary of key issues discussed, for the website
The next LGC meeting dates are;
Tuesday 16th May 2006 @ 2.30pm. Stewart House, London Deanery.
Tuesday 29th August 2006 @ 2.30pm. Stewart House, London Deanery.
Tuesday 21st November 2006 @ 2.30pm. Stewart House, London Deanery.
Tuesday 23rd January 2007 @ 2.30pm. Stewart House, London Deanery.
Tuesday 15th May 2007 @ 2.30pm. Stewart House, London Deanery.

Joint College and Deanery induction days:
Tuesday 12th September 2006. Making the most of the GPR year
Thursday 5th October 2006. Life after VTS
Tuesday 13th February 2007. Making the most of the GPR year
Thursday 8th March 2007. Life after VTS

Please go to the website induction day pages to book at:

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