Thursday, November 02, 2006

Next Term

Dear VTS group members,

we would like to use some of the time on 14 and again at the away day on 21 planning for next term.

Please think about your learning needs and how you could use the half day release (and the residential in March) to meet those needs. What topics you would like to cover, what would be your specific objectives and what methods would you like to use?

To help you I have attached a summary of the new MRCGP curriculum (still a draft but the final version wont be much different - the full curriculum is on the RCGP website) and a list of topics covered in previous terms.

There are many topics that are better covered by your trainer, in your hospital post or through personal learning so please suggest things that are better suited to group learning. Remember not to rely too much on "outside speakers" all the time but think about topics that could be presented by VTS members themselves. If there's something you are very interested in or know a lot about and would like to lead a session on - please suggest it.

You can be innovative and imaginative about learning methods. There are the obvious things like presentations, small group discussions, watching videos etc but there are other ways of learning that we could try and its good to have a variety of teaching methods.In the past we have made visits to various places including an exhibition at the British museum, gone to see a play about pain, invited a parent who runs a patient group and probably several others that I cant remember - but you get the idea I hope.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Last night out.......


Sorry haven't been around. Have been on nights and now on holidays. I've narrowed it down to 2 dates: 26 July or 3rd August. I need yes or no to both as then I have an idea of numbers and where to book. Just a simple yes or no is all you have to do.

See you soon


Communicating Risk Lecture Handouts

The Handouts are now online.



Monday, July 10, 2006

Night Out

Sorry everyone for the false alarm re night out 7th July. A number of people couldn't make it so I canned it but wasn't around to tell you. Bad little social secretary.

I'd like to get some consensus for a date and what people would prefer to do.

Free dates that I have so far are:

Thursday 20 July
Friday 21 July
Wednesday 26 July
Thursday 3 August
Thursday 10 August

Plus any of the Tuesday evenings in that period

Yes, a wide selection but I'm trying to optimise numbers.

Also, what would everyone like to do? I would be happy to have a BBQ at my place near London Bridge with or without partners. Or we can head out for another meal at one of London's fine establishments.

Please give me a bit of an idea and I'll organise, no problemo. I'm on nights for the Away Day so won't be seeing you so emails will have to do. My phone no is 0779 299 4702

Have fun

Love Lara

Child Health Promotion Course

Here is the draft timetable for the course.

It will cost £50.

There are 10 places for Lewisham VTS registrars or registrars who have just finished in August. So far I have 8 names. If anyone else is interested or if you want to go on the reserve list, please let me know.

Those who have already indicated their interest: Justine, Lara, Sian, Sherin. Ali, Quyen, Jim, Lili. (Nadine possibly.)



Away Day Directions

Dear all

directions for Sundridge Park are on the following website:

Please note that the day starts at 9 am prompt but if you arrive earlier you get coffee and pastries and time for chat, etc.

Please make sure you read the previous email I sent today which has the awayday timetable and notes, and also to email me your Myers Briggs personality type if you can remember it!

See you all on Tuesday!


Away Day

Dear VTS group

here is the timetable and preparation notes for the awayday on Tuesday. Please read the notes (not long) before you come on Tuesday.

If you get time please could you email me your Myers Briggs personality type as we may use this information on the awayday.

I will email you directions to Sundridge Park Hotel when I get them from Riaz.


Away Day Notes

More Myers Briggs!

As promised here is a copy of my PowerPoint presentation for distribution
to those who attended. I also attach Pumpkin Soup - a light hearted look at
core functions and a very brief look at managing different types.

I thought the feedback was very fair. I do sometimes tend to go on a bit
and didn't get round to the interactive bit I had planned. I suspect the
Is were happy and that in general it was the Es who would have preferred more

I will wait and see what response, if any comes from those who missed out.
We'll keep in touch on that one.

I had a mental block on the big five traits. They are:

* Neuroticism (vs Emotional Stability)
* Extraversion (vs Introversion)
* Openness to experience (vs Closedness to experiences)
* Agreeableness (vs Disagreeableness)
* Conscientiousness (vs Lack of conscientiousness)

For further reading 'Gifts Differing', Myers and Myers is as good as
anything I can recall.

Good luck with your away day.

Best wishes


Powerpoint presentation on MB

Implications for Managing Others

Pumpkin Soup


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

VTS Meeting

Ms Cochrane gave a presentation on Gynae causes of acute abdo pain which can be found here

Thursday, June 01, 2006

VTS 30th May 2006

The urology handouts are now online here


Thursday, May 25, 2006

VTS Timetable

Dear all

please find attached the final version of this terms timetable. There have been one or two changes due to different speakers' availabilities and other factors.



Monday, May 22, 2006

Janaka's QOF Presentation

Is now online here


Psychological Therapy Services Workshop

Dear All,

Please find attached correspondence regarding Psychological Therapy
Services Workshops for Registrars.


Thursday, May 11, 2006

VTS Timetable

Here is the final version of the term timetable, it will always be available in the LINKS section of the blog.

VTS Summer Timetable 2006


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

South London Faculty Education Evening

Dear Colleague

Please find attached a flyer for the South London Faculty Education
Evening. This looks to be a very interesting talk from Professor Glover and
we would be delighted if you would advertise this to all registrars in your

The cost is £10 which includes a buffet.

Yours sincerely



Lewisham VTS reps to the LONDON GPVTS committee

Dear All
The next London gpvts committee is on Tues 16 May.
Harpreet and Kevin and myself will be attending - all self nominated!
It is a very useful group bringing together reps from all the VTS in London and gives updates on a range of isssues esp changes around the exams etc. For more info please go to the website:

Let us know if there is a particular issue you would like us to raise there.

Janaka's Bits

As promised:

There is a wotsit to click on for the leaflet, which can be downloaded and/or printed out.

Lots of wotsits to click on, all over the place.



Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Draft Timetable Summer 2006

On 9 May Janaka will lead a session on QOF
16 May - ?GP careers (Sian)
23 May - prescribing (Louise and Beth)
30 May - dermatology (Wilson)
6 June - ?child psychiatry (Jim)
13 June - ? communicating risk to patients (Louise and Lili)
20 June - consultation and communication skills with actors
27 June - pregnancy problems with Ruth Cochrane (Nadine)
4 July - ?urology (Riaz)
11 July - awayday with practice management as a main theme


Beyond Skin Deep: Advances in the Management of Psoriasis in the South East

Conference: Beyond Skin Deep: Advances in the Management of Psoriasis in the South East

Date: Thursday 18 May 2006 (14.00 - 17.00)

Venue: The Great Hall

St Bartholomew's Hospital

West Smithfield

London EC1A 7BE



Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Ophthalmology Presentation now online

Dr Aclimandos' Powerpoint presentation on Ophthalmology has been split up into 3 parts and is now available online here.


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

GP VTS Half Day 4th April

Today we had presentations on various paediatric topics seen in primary care;
UTI by Emma
Acute Otitis Media by Beth
Pyrexia unknown origin by Ali
Atopic Eczema by Lara (presented by Janaka)

In addition, Louise gave a presentation on the MRCGP syllabus and future topics to be covered in the Tuesday meetings.

Janaka also presented a summary of revalidation to few of the GPRs at the end.

All Powerpoint presentations can be found here.

Have a nice Easter everyone, the next VTS meeting is on 2nd May 2006


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Academic Seminar Programme- change of schedule

Dear Riaz
>the VTS group might be interested in this. Its a talk by Professor Allyson
>Pollok on 26 April at 5pm at Guys. She wrote the book called NHS PLC. She
>is a very interesting and respected person within the debate on the future of
>the NHS. I will try to go but I will be coming from the NAPC meeting in Gatwick
>so might not get there in time.

Subject: Academic Seminar Programme- change of schedule

Dear All
Please see attached notification letter regarding the Academic Seminar programme. Please note that the document was sent on behalf of the Department of General Practice and Primary Care
King's College London School of Medicine at Guy's King's and St Thomas'
Hospitals. Should you require further information please contact Marilyn Peter on 020 7848 4156.
Kind regards
Nora Simon
Neighbourhood Administrator
Lewisham PCT
5th Floor Leegate House
Burnt Ash Road
SE12 8RG
TEL: 0208 218 3580
0208 218 3528
FAX: 0208 218 3602

Seminar Program

New Practioner's Study Day on Diabetes and Endocrinology

>From: "HORTOP Romayne" <>
>Subject: To all course organisers
>Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 16:56:34 -0000
>Hallo everyone.
>Please could you bring this to the attention of your trainees:
>A joint meeting of the Section of General Practice with Primary Health Care
>with Section of
>Endocrinology and Diabetes entitled '9th National Registrars' and New
>Practitioners' Study Day' has been organised and will be held here on
>17 March 2007 9.00am-5.00pm. This well established meeting offers young
>general practitioners and hospital registrars the opportunity to hear
>topical presentations and enjoy workshops with national speakers. To
>register for this meeting please find the draft programme online at
> or contact Tori Bennett, tel: +44 (0)20 7290 2987
>fax (44) 020 7290 2989 or
>Please book by Monday 8 May 2006 in full to guarantee your place.
>Many thanks
>Tori Bennett
>Sections Administrator
>RSM Academic Department
>1 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 0AE
>Tel: 0207 2902987
>Romayne Hortop
>PA to Dr. Tim Swanwick & VTS administrator (NW London)
>London Deanery, 2nd Floor, Stewart House, 32 Russell Square, London WC1B
>Tel: 020 7866 3172 (direct line) Fax: 020 7866 3283
>Please note new Deanery telephone numbers

PMETB - correspondence from GP VTS committee

Dear All
Please see correspondence below regarding fees to the PMETB. Note Muhammed is the outgoing chair of the VTS.

This is a forwarded message
From: "Muhammed Ali" <>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 18:16:13 +0000
Subject: RE: PMETB

=================Original message text=================

Dear All,

I support Sachin's comments and I agree there is action we can help
support/take. It would be worth letting your individual schemes and
registrars know about what happens.

In the essence of the committee as being the 'London GP VTS Committee' and
in part response to Matt's query over involvement as an SHO please remember
the SHOs need to be aware too since they will be paying the fees more so
then we will be!

On an additional note PMETB have backed down over the hike to £750 and it
will be £500 from next month. Here is the letter sent out following their
consultation period.

Hope it adds a little light on what is happening but the petition is another
way of voicing the concerns. Please do support it.


>Message Received: Mar 15 2006, 04:58 PM
>From: "Sachin Patel"
>Subject: PMETB
>Dear Members of London GP Registrar Committee,
>There is considerable ill-feeling regarding PMETB, and those of you who
>at the last meeting will have noted several of us brought the concerns of
>our Schemes to the table. As representatives of trainees, it is our duty to
>ensure that these concerns are addressed rather than swept under the carpet
>as occurred at the last meeting.
>If we do represent those we purport to, then some form of response against
>these costs is necessary. If, however, the aim is to be self-servient, then
>passive acceptance of these initial charges and subsequent inevitable
>increases is acceptable.
>Liverpool Deanery managed to organise a petition of 120 GPRs calling for a
>nationwide boycott of these fees. Their lead is admirable, and shows a
>little of what can be achieved. A similar petition has been commenced
>online, and I would urge you to forward it to all members of your
>VT schemes, so that individuals have the opportunity to have their say.
>The web address is:
>Many thanks for your time,
>Sachin Patel

Update on the GP VTS Committee [LGC] last meeting-

Dear All
For new trainees to the Lewisham VTS please have a look at the LGC website above.
I am currently the rep for Lewisham [ self nominated out of interest]. The committee links all VTS in the London Deanery. It is best if a GP reg and SHO attend [Kevin / Harpeet are either of you still interested?]. The next meeting is on Tuesday 16th May 2006 @ 2.30pm. Stewart House, London Deanery.
I will be attending the next couple of meetings as I have taken on a few tasks for the committee. It would be great if someone came with me and I am happy to hand over the baton later this year.
The committee meets 4x per year. The reps can claim leave as 'professional leave' [rather than annual or study leave].
We could rotate reps if there is significant interest.

See summary minutes from last meeting.

Summary of minutes form meeting held on Tues 17 Jan 2006

The London GPVTS committee (LGC) has an excellent website which all GP trainees should be aware of. The address is
We are in the process of compiling a database of courses relevant to general practice with comments from those who have attended them – so watch this space!! The website is due to undergo renovation so please contact the team through the website with suggestions for additions or improvements.

Barnet VTS has updated their own website which is accessible to everyone and contains very useful additional information. The address is:

Lewisham have also set up their website. The address is:

PMETB [NOTE: see following email]

The new method of assessing GP registrars, replacing summative assessment will be to undertake the nMRCGP, which will be in place by August 2007. So what happens in the transition period form now until then? Well, under summative assessment, all VTR/1 and VTR/2 forms had been sent to the Joint Committee, however during the transition period, all summative assessment forms would go instead to the PMETB who would issue a certificate of specialist training.

As the PMETB is an entirely new body with new funding from the government payment would now have to be made to sign off VTS forms. The fees would also probably increase in the future. However this is to make the PMETB self-sustainable in a few years time which would hopefully have a welcome knock on effect of leading to an increase in GP’s salaries. The personnel dealing with the forms are somewhat inexperienced so please ensure that they are in order and sent early.

Objection with regards to the fees have been brought up by the Deaneries, RCGP and the BMA. A response to the consultation paper undertaken by PMETB should be released soon.

Consultation over nMRCGP

The Royal College undertook a consultation process regarding the new curriculum for the nMRCGP. The London GPVTS Committee (LGC) working with the London Faculties GPVTS Committee (LFGC) had put together a mirror of the consultation and canvassed London trainees. There was an overall response rate of 41% from all deanery trainees emailed. The results revealed a need for more information about the changes, that the favoured method of updates was via email and individual course organisers, and that trainees were keen to have a say in the way that they will be assessed in the future. These views will be presented to central college via the London Faculties GPVTS Committee (LFGC), the RCGP trainees committee with feedback from the LGC.

Next meetings

The committee will meet on the following date, and hopes to produce a similar summary of key issues discussed, for the website
The next LGC meeting dates are;
Tuesday 16th May 2006 @ 2.30pm. Stewart House, London Deanery.
Tuesday 29th August 2006 @ 2.30pm. Stewart House, London Deanery.
Tuesday 21st November 2006 @ 2.30pm. Stewart House, London Deanery.
Tuesday 23rd January 2007 @ 2.30pm. Stewart House, London Deanery.
Tuesday 15th May 2007 @ 2.30pm. Stewart House, London Deanery.

Joint College and Deanery induction days:
Tuesday 12th September 2006. Making the most of the GPR year
Thursday 5th October 2006. Life after VTS
Tuesday 13th February 2007. Making the most of the GPR year
Thursday 8th March 2007. Life after VTS

Please go to the website induction day pages to book at:

Resus Guidelines Change

Here is a quick overview of the recent changes to the Resus guidelines.

Resus Guideline changes


Monday, March 13, 2006

CCT Registration

Here is the CCT Registration Form, to be completed by those finishing their training this summer.

CCT Reg Form


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

IMPORTANT: New VTS Start Time/Lunch

Just a quick reminder to confirm that from next week onwards the VTS will be starting at 1.30pm with lunch provided by Girish. Speakers will continue to start their talks at 2pm, so arrive then if you can't make lunch.


Updated VTS Decisions

Here is an updated handout that outlines the decisions made on the Away Day regarding future VTS meetings plus discussions held the following week with those who did not attend.

Updated VTS decisions

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Alpa's Away Day Pics contd...

  Posted by Picasa

Alpa's Away Day Pics contd...

  Posted by Picasa

Alpa's Away Day Pics contd...

  Posted by Picasa

Alpa's Away Day Pics contd...

  Posted by Picasa

Alpa's Away Day Pics

  Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 27, 2006

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Updated VTS Timetable


South London Faculty Viva day



Dear colleagues and friends

I have joined this organisation campaigning to save the NHS and am thinking of going to this conference. Anyone else interested?


l safeguarding the future of our NHS
l national conference

25 March 2006, 12.00-4.00pm, Euston, London

We invite you to a public conference - to explore what is happening around the country to our NHS and why. Join other NHS supporters in planning local and national campaigns to safeguard the future our health service.

speakers include Rt Hon Frank Dobson MP, health commentators, trade union leaders and NHS staff

With record investment and the dedication of its staff, the NHS has been improving. But crisis has returned to many areas, as huge debts cause wards to close, operations to be cancelled and staffing levels to be cut. Why is this happening?

The private sector has a growing role in providing care to NHS patients and hospitals are now expected to compete for patients in a new NHS market. What does this mean for patients? Where is the NHS heading? And what can NHS supporters do to safeguard its future?

Get a clear perspective on the future of the NHS and what we can do about it.

We invite the public, NHS staff, community groups, charities, academics, trade unions, politicians and pensioners. to join in this national event.

You will need a ticket, simply follow the link below. There is no charge, but if you can, please make a donation towards the cost.

link to form -

Friday, February 03, 2006

RCGP Information Sheets

Please find attached the RCGP's Information Sheets on the transition from summative assessment and the current MRCGP examination to the new MRCGP.

This will shortly be published on the RCGP's website and also on the NOSA website.


Roger Neighbour Talk

Please find attached a flyer for the South London Faculty RCGP Educational Evening on Tuesday 28th March 2006. This will be a very interesting evening and we would be delighted if you are able to attend.

A certificate will be given to all participants which may form part of a self accreditation scheme for continual professional development.


GP Reg induction day

Please find attached a flyer advertising the induction day on 23rd Feb for new GPRs and also the post-VTS career options day on 7th March for finishers.

I would be grateful if you could bring these events to the attention of your vocational training schemes.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

MRCGP Preparation Course

The Essex Faculty of the RCGP has organised 2 full MRCGP study days. Our speaker Dr David Smalley (College examiner) is joined, once again by Dr Roger Tisi (Course Organiser), who aim to cover all four modules of the MRCGP examination. Attendance can either be per module or for the whole 2 days. In addition, Dr Ken Menon (Faculty MAP Mentor) will be holding a MAP session, on the Friday afternoon, after the morning video component (which is offered free of charge to MAP candidates).

2 Day Course fee £ 240
Inclusive of Lunches.
Or £70 per module

Please find attached the course outline for the two days and an application form which should be returned to me at the Faculty Office

Essex Faculty RCGP
Purfleet Care Centre
Tank Hill Road
RM19 1SX

Application form

Updated Timetable 2006

Here is the updated timetable for 2006


Thursday, January 12, 2006

Tues VTS 17 Jan 2006 Hilly Fields - Iona Heath - Wisdom of General Practice

Next Terms half day release meetings on Tuesday afternoons will be held at Girish's surgery:

Hilly Fields Medical Centre
172 Adelaide Avenue
London SE41JN
Telephone: 020 8314 5552

Usual time 2pm onwards

Iona Heath will be speaking on:The Wisdom of General Practice