Thursday, September 11, 2008

VTS Residential Wye, Kent

Planning activities seriously

The glamourous side

Wine Break

Teamwork skills early morning

Cut throat competition

Some more pics coming...

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Opthalmology course for GP trainees

Dear Colleague

Following the success and popularly of the June one day workshop, the NW London faculty is holding a second workshop aiming to enhance consultation skills.

The workshop will provide a practical, thorough and time efficient approach to the eye patient that the primary healthcare professional can immediately put into practice.

This workshop will be useful to all types of GP, ST3s, opticians and primary care nurse practitioners

The day will cover the following topics

· Diabetic eyes, glaucoma, uveitis, retinopathy, age related macular degeneration,

· Examination of the pupils, assessing optic discs and visual pathways

· Plus Theory bursts followed practical applications that can be used in the setting of your surgery.


Non Members: £200

Members (25% Disc): £150

AiTs (50% Disc): £100


"All you need to know for Ophthalmology in one day"

“Extremely good- relevant information in clear and concise format”

“Excellent choice of presenters”

”Excellent overall and a very worthwhile course. Good that it kept on concentrating on what is relevant to GP rather than being a summary of secondary care guidelines”

For further details and a booking form please see the attached

Many thanks

Kind regards


Debbie Board

Faculty Administrator North and West London

Royal College of General Practitioners

Room 304

Frazer House

32-38 Leman Street

London E1 8EW

Tel: 020 7173 6033

Fax: 020 7173 6074