Thursday, September 27, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Feedback/ Evaluation of VTS Half Day Release

Please take some time to complete and send the Feedback/ Evaluation form for every Tuesday to and
The form can be downloaded from the hyperlink on the right side of this page.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Protected Learning Time for Lewisham GPs

Lewisham PCT is organising a session on Musculoskeletal problems as a part of Protected Learning Time on the 27th Sept 2007 afternoon. The information of the venue and programme is attached herewith.
Dr Girish Malde is coordinating the event and all GP trainees are invited to attend.

FKG Tudor Sports Pavilion
(Near Eltham Road, SE12)


12:30-1:00pm- Registration and Lunch

1:00-3:00pm- Introduction (Girish Malde)

Meet the Departments

Departmental Updates

3:00-3:15pm- Coffee

3:15-4:45pm- Small Group Work (Orthopaedic/ Rheumatology Consultants UHL)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Primary Care Conferance

Primary Care Live are holding a Conference/Exhibition at Excel on 9th/10th October which is free for all healthcare professionals. The website to access for further information is


Thursday, September 20, 2007

GPVTS Palliative Care Study day 28/11/2007

Dear Friends,

St Christopher's Hospice is organising a GPVT Palliative Care Study day on the 28th Nov '07. All the Trainees are welcome to attend the course which is free for the Lewisham Trainees (and includes a free lunch!)
All Trainees please send your confirmation of attendence to me at at an early date so that I can pass it on to the Organisers.


Time 9:00 am
St Christopher's Hospice
51-59 Lewrie Park Road
Sydenham, London
SE26 6DZ


0900-0930: Registration.

0930 – 0935: Introduction to the day

0935- 0945: Large group discussion: what does the
dying patient need from their GP?

0945-1025: Pain

1025-1045: Coffee

1045 -1120: The GP’s role, and the GSF

1120-1150: Out of hours drugs and care

1150-1240: Working with families

1230-1300: Case discussions – non-pain symptoms

1300-1350: Lunch

1350-1425: Managing the last few days of life

1425-1500: Case discussions – non-pain symptoms

1500-1515: Tea

1515-1615: Ethical issues

1615-1640: Panel discussion

1640 – 1645: Concluding remarks

1645: Optional tour of hospice.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

New Social Secretaries

Congrutulations to Paul Shire and Belinda Baffoe, the new Social Secretaries and Thanks to Charlotte for all her good work in making the last socials so enjoyable.

Keep on the lookout for plenty of new social events coming up.

New Website Administrator

I have been given the privilege to take over from Quyen as the website administrator. In order to make it more interactive and keep it constantly updated to be more useful, I shall be grateful for your input/ comments.
If you want post comments or have anything which might be useful to all of us then please email me on


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Lewisham VTS Facebook

For all those who take pride in networking through Facebook (Facebooking!), there is a group dedicated to Lewisham GP Trainees called Lewisham VTS if you might like to join. Would that be a more fashionable way to keep in touch?

New Trainees

To all the new Trainees,

All you lucky ones who have now become a part of this elite group, can you kindly send in a nice photo of yours which will be uploaded as your profile picture on the website.
You can send your snaps to Bhaskar at

Dermatology Teaching session for GP Trainees

Lewisham Hospital is organising a Dermatology Teaching session for GP Trainees on the 4th Oct 2007 from 12:00 to 3:30 pm. It is free for all the trainees with a free lunch.
If interested then please call or email Ashley O'shaughnessy on 02072063305 / ashley.o'

It is supposed to be first come first served with limited places.